The key feature of this cotton is the sheath on one end of the cotton strip so as to function like the aglet on your shoelace. Wotofo Agleted Organic cotton strips are ready-to-use with proper cotton amount that’s tested to best fit for dominant 3mm or 6mm I.D. prebuilt performance coils. The cotton features great absorption capability and better retention ability, freshly packaged to deliver the purest flavor. There are 10 pieces of agleted cotton strips in one little box, convenient to carry around and stored in a clean way. Wotofo Agleted Organic cotton is amazing for rebuildable atomizers, rebuildable tank atomizers, bottom feeding atomizer.
100% Organic Cotton
Ready-To-Use Aglet Per Strip
Perfect Amount of Cotton For:
3mm ID
6mm ID
Great Absorption Capability
Nicotine Warning
Big Dog Vapory products may contain nicotine and are intended for the use by Adults of 19 years of age and older. (Or the legal smoking age in your province). Our products are not intended as a smoking cessation product, but rather as an alternative to traditional cigarettes and are neither intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, nor cure any disease.
Nicotine is addictive, potentially harmful, and should not be used by those under the legal age for smoking in your state, non-smokers, pregnant or nursing women, persons with heart disease, high blood pressure or any other medical conditions that may be exacerbated or induced by nicotine. Consult your physician before using these products or any other similar product.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN and PETS: Ingestion of E-Liquids can be poisonous.
American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222
Ontario Poison Centre: 1-800-268-9017