It’s ends are frosted glass and connect to the Cyclone bowl or tuff bowl and the “New Frosted Glass Mouthpiece- For Balloons” ONLY. It allows you to blow up balloons through a single, all glass vapor pathway as opposed to the standard elbow adaptor and PVC tube ‘short whip’. This allows for easier cleaning, purer vapor and increased efficiency of air flow.
Nicotine Warning
Big Dog Vapory products may contain nicotine and are intended for the use by Adults of 19 years of age and older. (Or the legal smoking age in your province). Our products are not intended as a smoking cessation product, but rather as an alternative to traditional cigarettes and are neither intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, nor cure any disease.
Nicotine is addictive, potentially harmful, and should not be used by those under the legal age for smoking in your state, non-smokers, pregnant or nursing women, persons with heart disease, high blood pressure or any other medical conditions that may be exacerbated or induced by nicotine. Consult your physician before using these products or any other similar product.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN and PETS: Ingestion of E-Liquids can be poisonous.
American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222
Ontario Poison Centre: 1-800-268-9017